· chembl, chemistry, rdkit, databases, duckdb, umbra

Umbra-style molecules - part 2


In part 1, I applied the prefix idea from Umbra-style strings to molecules and improved exact match queries via short-circuiting in a duckdb extension, duckdb_rdkit. I then tried to add more data to the prefix to also enable short-circuiting for substructure matches. This caused a degradation in exact match performance. Here in part 2, I improved the prefix by fitting more useful data into 12 bytes than the 20 bytes I used in the initial implementation. Furthermore, I applied the second key idea from Umbra-style strings – storing a pointer to the full binary molecule, rather than inlining it in the struct. This allowed for speedup of not only exact matches, but also enabled faster substructure matches when combined with a substructure filter developed by Andrew Dalke.

Here are the results, and I describe the process more below. You can jump to the experimental section here: results

Exact match experiments (Standard method, Umbra-mol are in the duckdb_rdkit extension):

QueryStandard (s)Umbra-mol (s)speedup (Umbra-mol vs standard method)Postgres control (s)

Substructure match experiments (Standard method, Umbra-mol are in the duckdb_rdkit extension):

QueryStandard (s)Umbra-mol (s)speedup (Umbra-mol vs standard method)Postgres control (s)
413.9946.8042x1237 (20 min)


Duckdb is an in-process analytical database system, and I began experimenting with adding cheminformatic capabilities to duckdb as a duckdb extension using RDKit. Initial experiments showed that exact match molecule queries were quite slow in duckdb.

If you aren’t familiar with OLAP and OLTP, I’ll try to give a brief, brief intro. Online transactional processing (OLTP) databases are optimized for workloads that require point lookups. These workloads may just want to access one or few records in the database, like adding a molecule to the database, adding some assay result for that molecule, or finding out what assays were run on that molecule, for example. Online analytical processing (OLAP) databases are optimized for workloads that need to touch many or all records, like aggregation queries where you want to compute an average for a column.

There’s a lot to say about the strategies employed by OLAP systems, but I will just touch on one part because the question may arise in relation to the topic of this post: “did you try using an index to speed up the searches?”

OLAP database systems like duckdb typically do not use the indexes commonly found in OLTP databases (e.g. Postgres), like B-Trees. B-Trees are very powerful for getting in and out fast to find the record you’re interested in – point lookups. However, B-Trees may not be a good fit for OLAP workloads where the system may need to scan all the records to find an answer to your query, or for bulk updates where the overhead of maintaining a B-Tree is too expensive.

There are many interesting strategies OLAP systems employ to make full table scans really fast. These strategies connect to one another and touch on many different parts of the database system, from the storage format (columnar format instead of row-wise) to the query execution engine (vectorized instead of tuple at a time). I recommend the database systems courses available on Youtube by the professors at CMU, if you are interested in more information.

That being said, what strategies can be employed to speed up these cheminformatic comparisons, in duckdb?

I began to look into how to improve this performance, and was inspired by Umbra-style strings, aka German-style strings, which is a string format adopted by several data processing systems, including duckdb. There are two key ideas that I applied from Umbra-style strings to molecules: a prefix for short-circuting comparisons, and storing a pointer to a string rather than inlining the string in the in-memory representation.

Molecule comparison is more complicated than strings (learn more here), but I thought the ideas from Umbra-style strings could be translated to molecules.

In my intial attempt with “Umbra-mols” (see part 1), I applied only the prefix idea. I followed previous examples from chemicalite and the RDKit Postgres extension, and used counts like the number of atoms, bonds, etc. which are cheap to compute and store. I put these counts in a prefix, and compared the prefixes of two molecules to bail out of the function early if the prefixes did not match. If two molecules have different number of atoms, they cannot be the same molecule. This gave a huge improvement in exact match comparisons, achieving up to 60x speedup over the “standard” implementation without a prefix in some simple experiments I did.

Processing a molecule involves first parsing some kind of string molecular format into a RDKit molecule object. Then to store this data, it needs to be serialized to binary.

SMILES -> RDKit Molecule object -> serialize to binary (binary molecule)

To do cheminformatic work on this stored molecule, we need to deserialize the binary into the in-memory RDKit Molecule object.

The prefix sits in front of a binary molecule object, and my first attempt used 4 bytes per field.

| 4 bytes - number of atoms | 4 bytes - number of bonds | 4 bytes - amw | 4 bytes - number of rings | 4 bytes - size of the binary molecule | n bytes - binary molecule |

The initial experiments suggested that this deserialization process is very expensive, especially in an OLAP scenario where the full column is being scanned. Every binary molecule would be deserialized in order to do even the inexpensive comparisons. The reason the prefix and short-circuit mechanism is so powerful is because it allows the system to save time by avoiding this deserialization. Only when the prefixes match, deserializing the binary molecule is necessary to do further checks.

After sharing these results, user dalke on Hacker News gave me some great new ideas to explore. As I worked on these new ideas, it exposed limitations of the first implementation. More experiments suggested it was the size of the Umbra-mol in-memory representation. And that led me to explore how to implement the second key idea from Umbra-style strings: store a pointer to the string rather than inlining the string into the struct.

In the rest of this post, I will describe improvements made to the prefix and storing a pointer to the binary molecule rather than inlining the data. I will then present some simple experiments I did to see how these changes affect execution time.

Improvements to the first attempt at Umbra-mol

Prefix improvements

I shrank the counts prefix used for short-circuiting exact match comparisons, and added dalke_fp, a set of fingerprints that dalke calculated, for short-circuiting substructure matches.

Counts prefix for short-circuiting exact match comparisons

Initially I just used 4 bytes for each field of the counts properties that are used for short-circuting the exact match comparisons forming a 20 byte prefix. I did an analysis of the chembl database molecules, found that the distribution for some of these properties were extremely skewed, and that I could capture 99% of the dataset with much smaller integer representations because the values are not very large see supplementary - 99th percentile. For example, 99% of the molecules have less than 8 rings, so I could just use 3 bits for that.

Using the chembl analysis as a guide, here is how the new counts prefix looks like:

Any molecules that come in with values larger than the allotted bits can represent are simply capped at the max value for that number of bits. Any collisions with other molecules is ok because it’s just for short-circuiting comparisons, not creating cryptographic hashes, and since these bits cover 99% of the values they are responsible for, the number of collisions due to being capped are expected to be small.

This results in a counts prefix that fits within 4 bytes.

dalke_fp as a substructure filter

In order to short-circuit substructure matches, we need a way to rule out quickly that it is impossible for a query molecule to be a substructure of a target molecule. Andrew Dalke has written about this in 2012. Paraphrasing from Dalke’s article, this is the idea:

For example, we can have a bit vector, or molecular fingerprint, 1 for the presence of a chemical motif, and 0 when absent.

If the fragment exists in the query but not in the target, so 1 in the query, 0 in the target, there is no way for a match.

If the fragment exists in the target, but not in the query, it is still possible there is something else in the query that matches the target, because the common substructure is not captured in the fingerprint. An example from Dalke’s article: “if “N” does not exist in the query then it might still match a target molecule which has an “N” in it. For example, the query “O” should still match the target “N#[N+][O-]” (nitrous oxide).”

If all fragments that have on bits in the query are also on in the target, it does not mean that the query is a substructure. It is possible that there is something present in the query not captured by the fingerprint, but not in the target. For example, if the target is “NC”, and the query is “NCCCCCCCC”, and the fingerprint only accounts for the presence of “N”, both the query and target would have the bit corresponding to “N” set, but the query is not a substructure of the target.

Thus, it is only possible to short-circuit in the false case, not in the true case with this substructure filter.

The hardest part here is calculating a good set of fingerprints that can screen out a large portion of the dataset. Thankfully, Andrew Dalke did the hard work and calculated a set of fingerprints 12 years ago, and I just used that. See Dalke’s article for the details of how this set is calculated.

This set, which I call dalke_fp fits in 8 bytes, and I put that in the front of the binary molecule to create a prefix of 12 bytes – 4 bytes for the counts, 8 bytes for dalke_fp. It might be that the dalke_fp is also sufficient for short-circuiting exact match comparisons, but I haven’t checked this. If so, the counts prefix is unnecessary, and the prefix could be shrunk to 8 bytes.

Storing a pointer to the binary molecule

The second key idea of Umbra-style strings is to store a pointer to the string rather than inlining the string. Likewise, in this work I store a pointer to the binary molecule.

My initial attempt inlined the binary molecule in the struct, and that takes up a lot of space (binary molecules can be over 1,000 bytes supplementary figure.) Then when I tried putting the dalke_fp in the prefix, I started to see degradation of the exact match performance. Some queries that executed in < 1 sec when the prefix was only counts, were now taking > 5 sec. Some experiments got me thinking about the inlined binary molecule. Because the binary molecule is inlined, it is being pushed around the system even though it is not always needed if the prefix enables a short-circuit.

In Umbra-style strings they store a pointer to the string, if it is a “long” string. Here is the struct of the string_t type in duckdb’s string implementation. Only when a prefix is unable to provide the answer a query seeks, the pointer is de-referenced and the full string is used.

	union {
		struct {
			uint32_t length;
			char prefix[4];
			char *ptr;
		} pointer;
		struct {
			uint32_t length;
			char inlined[12];
		} inlined;
	} value;

If the pointer is stored, then there is a further step of pointer swizzling that needs to take place. We need a way to translate that pointer to a memory address to something that can point to an offset somewhere on disk when the data moves from memory to disk, and vice versa. I assume that this process is probably very closely tied to rest of the duckdb internals like the buffer pool and storage format, and I wasn’t sure if I could alter those internals from an extension in order to do pointer swizzling.

I wanted to see how duckdb did this for the string_t type, and I asked the duckdb Discord channel to see if someone could give me a suggestion of where to look. I quickly got some help, and that led me to column_data_collection_segment.cpp and a UnswizzlePointers function.

I found that this function gets called if the internal type of the data is a PhysicalType::VARCHAR. In the extension, I create LogicalTypes, and so I checked to see which logical types map to a PhysicalType::VARCHAR. In types.cpp, I found that LogicalTypeId::BLOB maps to PhysicalType::VARCHAR, which is already the logical type I was using for the Umbra-mol.

With this in mind, my idea was that if I can translate my Umbra-mol to a string_t, then the heavy lifting would be done by duckdb. After all it’s all just binary data. The main difference between the Umbra-mol, or umbra_mol_t as the struct in my code is called, and string_t is the size of the prefix; I want to store more data in the prefix than the 4 bytes in string_t uses.

Converting an Umbra-mol to string_t wasn’t really much of a conversion at all. I simply made the calculations for the prefixes, and packed it into a std::string along with the binary molecule at the end, and then passed that to a string_t constructor.

  std::string buffer;
  // total size = prefix size + binary molecule size
  // the counts prefix - 4 bytes
  buffer.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&prefix),
  // dalke_fp part of the prefix - 8 btyes
  buffer.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&dalke_fp),
  // the binary molecule from RDKit

Duckdb’s string_t implementation does the rest. When it goes to and from disk, all the swizzling, unswizzling, and other complicated tasks are taken care of by duckdb since it just sees a string_t.

Converting from a string_t to umbra_mol_t was also rather straightforward, after I figured out all my pointer reference errors:

Here’s the value struct inside the umbra_mol_t struct:

  struct {
    uint32_t length;
    char prefix[PREFIX_LENGTH];
    const char *ptr;
  } value;

This constructor is used to convert a string_t to an umbra_mol_t:

  umbra_mol_t(string_t buffer) {
    value.length = buffer.GetSize();
    // first 12 bytes are the prefix
    memset(value.prefix, 0, PREFIX_LENGTH);
    memcpy(&value.prefix, buffer.GetData(), PREFIX_LENGTH);
    // string_t::GetData() gets the pointer to the string
    value.ptr = buffer.GetData();

    D_ASSERT(value.ptr == buffer.GetData());

Just copy the length (this is the prefix + binary molecule), then copy the first 12 bytes into the prefix field, and then simply set the pointer in umbra_mol_t to the pointer in string_t that points to the binary molecule.

To get the binary molecule when the prefix cannot short-circuit the comparisons and further calculations on the RDKit molecule need to be made, I can copy the bytes that follow the prefix.

  std::string GetBinaryMol() {
    idx_t bmol_size = value.length - PREFIX_LENGTH;
    std::string buffer;
    if (value.ptr && value.length > PREFIX_LENGTH) {
      memcpy(&buffer[0], &value.ptr[PREFIX_LENGTH], bmol_size);
    return buffer;

The process is then: binary data string with the data of an Umbra-mol -> string_t -> duckdb internals -> string_t -> umbra_mol_t

Now with all the pieces in place, let’s see how exact and substructure matches perform now that the binary molecule is not inlined into the umbra_mol_t.


I made up some queries, and for substructure queries, I chose structures from a list of substructure queries gathered from real queries that Andrew Dalke has shared here.

The data set is from a Postgres dump of chembl33, and I use the Postgres RDKit extension. The Postgres database has a column for RDKit molecules added, and it has a gist index on it, as described in the RDKit Postgres extension docs.

The standard method is just the binary molecule object, no prefix for short circuiting. All comparisons require deserialization of the binary molecule.

Umbra-mol part 2 represents the Umbra-mol implementation as described above in this post.

I ran the test on my laptop:

AMD Ryzen 5 4500U CPU


Samsung PM991 SSD

I used the default settings of duckdb and Postgres.

Exact match

Queries are shown in supplementary 1.

QueryStandard method (s)Umbra-mol part 2 (s)speedup (Umbra-mol vs standard method)Postgres control (s)

Substructure match

Queries are shown in supplementary 2.

QueryStandard method (s)Umbra-mol part 2 (s)speedup (Umbra-mol vs standard method)Postgres control (s)
413.9946.8042x1237 (20 min)

Note on query 4: I am detecting more matches (16,543 vs 16,165) in the duckdb queries than with the Postgres RDKit extension. I get the same values for the standard method and the Umbra-mol which suggests that the prefix is not causing the behavior. It might be that I have some different parameters for the RDKit::SubstructMatch function, but I tried with the same parameters as I found in the Postgres RDKit extension code, as well as with chemicalite (I am following the chemicalite parameters for now), and that didn’t solve the discrepency. I don’t know if these are false positives, or if the Postgres RDKit extension gets false negatives. I have no idea what is the reason, and I only observe this behavior for this query so far. All the other queries I tried did not exhibit this behavior.


Storing the pointer to the entire binary molecule rather than inlining the data into the umbra_mol_t struct has a massive effect on performance. It also enables the Umbra-mol to pack more useful data into the prefix to also improve substructure searches.

My initial attempt, kept an inlined binary molecule in the struct. I was seeing > 10 sec execution times on Substructure match Queries 1 and 2 even with the dalke_fp in the prefix for short-circuiting. Storing a pointer to the binary molecule drops those down to 0.267 and ~6 seconds respectively! For exact matches, I saw improvements of ~26-60x on exact match queries over the standard, non-prefixed, implementation. With the pointer to the binary molecule, I see 48x-96x speedups, all while having more useful information in the prefix.

The dalke_fp seems very effective for short-circuiting, but it also depends on the molecules. In the limited samples I tried, I found for some substructures the dalke_fp could short-circuit all but ~400 molecules out of ~2.3 million molecules. That means the vast majority of that search did not even need to dereference the pointer to the binary molecule nor deserialize it.

In the substructure matches, the query structure has a big effect on the execution time; the more general the query structure is, the more that it will match molecules in the database. Since there are many matches, the full deserialization and substructure match needs to be done to confirm the match. The rarer the query substructure is, the more the prefix will enable the function to bail out early, and the faster the query will be.

Supplementary figures

99th percetile of the features used in the count prefix

It’s possible to represent most of this data with just a few bits in some cases.

D select quantile_cont(num_atoms, 0.99), quantile_cont(num_bonds, 0.99), quantile_cont(num_rings, 0.99), quantile_cont(amw::integer, 0.99) from molecule;
 quantile_cont(num_atoms, 0.99)  quantile_cont(num_bonds, 0.99)  quantile_cont(num_rings, 0.99)  quantile_cont(CAST(amw AS INTEGER), 0.99) 
             double                          double                          double                               double                   
                          200.0                            37.0                             8.0                                     1446.0 
Run Time (s): real 0.190 user 0.182839 sys 0.164021

# and the binary molecule size

chembl_33=#  select percentile_cont(0.99) within group (order by octet_length(mol_to_pkl(rdkit_mol))) from compound_structures;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+-----
percentile_cont | 1310

Time: 124568.271 ms (02:04.568)

Exact match queries

Query 1

-- umbra mol
select molregno,canonical_smiles, rdkit_mol, umbra_mol from molecule where umbra_is_exact_match(umbra_mol,'Cc1cn([C@H]2C[C@H](N=[N+]=[N-])[C@@H](CO)O2)c(=O)[nH]c1=O');

-- standard
select molregno,canonical_smiles, rdkit_mol, umbra_mol from molecule where is_exact_match(rdkit_mol,'Cc1cn([C@H]2C[C@H](N=[N+]=[N-])[C@@H](CO)O2)c(=O)[nH]c1=O');

-- postgres
select molregno,canonical_smiles, rdkit_mol from compound_structures where rdkit_mol@='Cc1cn([C@H]2C[C@H](N=[N+]=[N-])[C@@H](CO)O2)c(=O)[nH]c1=O';

Query 2

-- umbra mol
select molregno,canonical_smiles, rdkit_mol, umbra_mol from molecule where umbra_is_exact_match(umbra_mol,'CCC');
-- standard
select molregno,canonical_smiles, rdkit_mol, umbra_mol from molecule where is_exact_match(rdkit_mol,'CCC');

-- postgres
select molregno,canonical_smiles, rdkit_mol from compound_structures where rdkit_mol@='CCC';

Query 3

-- umbra mol
SELECT pbd.prediction_method, a.value, a.units, a.type, a.relation, m.umbra_mol FROM molecule m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
  INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
  WHERE umbra_is_exact_match(m.umbra_mol, 'COc1cc(/C=C/C(=O)OCCCCCCN(C)CCCCOC(=O)c2c3ccccc3cc3ccccc23)cc(OC)c1OC');

-- standard
SELECT pbd.prediction_method, a.value, a.units, a.type, a.relation, m.rdkit_mol FROM molecule m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
  INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
  WHERE is_exact_match(m.rdkit_mol, 'COc1cc(/C=C/C(=O)OCCCCCCN(C)CCCCOC(=O)c2c3ccccc3cc3ccccc23)cc(OC)c1OC');

-- postgres
SELECT pbd.prediction_method, a.value, a.units, a.type, a.relation, m.rdkit_mol FROM compound_structures m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
  INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
  WHERE m.rdkit_mol@='COc1cc(/C=C/C(=O)OCCCCCCN(C)CCCCOC(=O)c2c3ccccc3cc3ccccc23)cc(OC)c1OC';

Query 4

-- umbra mol
  SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units, a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.umbra_mol FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE umbra_is_exact_match(m.umbra_mol, 'CC(=O)Nc1nnc(S(N)(=O)=O)s1')
      GROUP BY m.umbra_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

-- standard
SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units, a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.rdkit_mol FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE is_exact_match(m.rdkit_mol, 'CC(=O)Nc1nnc(S(N)(=O)=O)s1')
      GROUP BY m.rdkit_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

-- postgres
SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units, a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.rdkit_mol FROM compound_structures m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
  WHERE m.rdkit_mol@='CC(=O)Nc1nnc(S(N)(=O)=O)s1'
      GROUP BY m.rdkit_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

Substructure match queries

Query 1

-- umbra mol
SELECT pbd.prediction_method, a.value, a.units, a.type, a.relation, m.umbra_mol FROM molecule m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
  INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
  WHERE umbra_is_substruct(m.umbra_mol, 'COc1cc2c(Nc3cc(CC(=O)Nc4cccc(F)c4F)[nH]n3)ncnc2cc1OCCCN(CCO)CC(C)C');

-- standard
SELECT pbd.prediction_method, a.value, a.units, a.type, a.relation, m.rdkit_mol FROM molecule m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
  INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
  WHERE is_substruct(m.rdkit_mol, 'COc1cc2c(Nc3cc(CC(=O)Nc4cccc(F)c4F)[nH]n3)ncnc2cc1OCCCN(CCO)CC(C)C');

-- postgres
SELECT pbd.prediction_method, a.value, a.units, a.type, a.relation, m.rdkit_mol FROM compound_structures m
  INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
  INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
  WHERE m.rdkit_mol@='COc1cc2c(Nc3cc(CC(=O)Nc4cccc(F)c4F)[nH]n3)ncnc2cc1OCCCN(CCO)CC(C)C';

Query 2

-- umbra mol
SELECT count(*) FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      WHERE umbra_is_substruct(m.umbra_mol, 'O=CNCCc1ccccc1');

-- standard
SELECT count(*) FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      WHERE is_substruct(m.rdkit_mol, 'O=CNCCc1ccccc1');

-- postgres
SELECT count(*) FROM compound_structures m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      WHERE m.rdkit_mol@>'O=CNCCc1ccccc1';

Query 3

-- umbra mol
SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units,a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.umbra_mol FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE umbra_is_substruct(m.umbra_mol, 'CC(=O)Nc1nnc(S(N)(=O)=O)s1')
      GROUP BY m.umbra_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

-- normal
SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units,a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.rdkit_mol FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE is_substruct(m.rdkit_mol, 'CC(=O)Nc1nnc(S(N)(=O)=O)s1')
      GROUP BY m.rdkit_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

-- postgres
SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units,a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.rdkit_mol FROM compound_structures m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE m.rdkit_mol@>'CC(=O)Nc1nnc(S(N)(=O)=O)s1'
      GROUP BY m.rdkit_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

Query 4

-- umbra mol
  SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units, a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.umbra_mol FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE umbra_is_substruct(m.umbra_mol, 'N1C=CC=N1')
      GROUP BY m.umbra_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

-- standard
  SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units, a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.rdkit_mol FROM molecule m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE is_substruct(m.rdkit_mol, 'N1C=CC=N1')
      GROUP BY m.rdkit_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;

-- postgres
SELECT avg(a.value), stddev(a.value), a.units, a.type, count(a.value), a.relation, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism, m.rdkit_mol FROM compound_structures m
      INNER JOIN activities a ON a.molregno=m.molregno
      INNER JOIN predicted_binding_domains pbd ON pbd.activity_id=a.activity_id
      INNER JOIN binding_sites bs ON pbd.site_id=bs.tid
      INNER JOIN assays ys ON ys.tid=bs.tid
      WHERE m.rdkit_mol@>'N1C=CC=N1'
      GROUP BY m.rdkit_mol, a.relation, a.units, a.type, bs.site_name, ys.assay_organism;